Spring 2018

Date Discussion leads Venue Paper
July 26 2018 Yiduo Wang FAST'2018 Barrier-Enabled IO Stack for Flash Storage paper slides
July 12 2018 Rui Wang FAST'2017 Graphene: Fine-Grained IO Management for Graph Computing paper slides
June 28 2018 Chengjin Tian SIGMOD'2018 SuRF: Practical Range Query Filtering with Fast Succinct Tries paper surf-rg.pdf
June 21 2018 Jiqiang Chen Eurosys2018 Analytics with Smart Arrays: Adaptive and Efficient Language-Independent Data paper smart_arrays.pptx
June 14 2018 Jingbo Su OSDI'2016 EC-Cache: Load-Balanced, Low-Latency Cluster Caching with Online Erasure Coding paper slides
June 7 2018 Jiawei Wang SIGMOD'2018 The Case for Learned Index Structures paper slides
May 31 2018 Fan Guo FAST'2018 UKSM: Swift Memory Deduplication via Hierarchical and Adaptive Memory Region Distilling paper slides
May 24 2018 Hao Chen FAST'2017 LightNVM: The Linux Open-Channel SSD Subsystem paper slides
May. 17 2018 Chaoyi Ruan EuroSys'2018 Decoupling the Control Plane from Program Control Flow for Flexibility and Performance in Cloud Computing Download Slide
May. 10 2018 Zhiqiang He EuroSys'2018 Reducing DRAM footprint with NVM in facebook Download eurosys18-fb-nvm.pdf
May. 03 2018 Junming Liu OSDI'2002 Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server Download esx-mem.pptx原版PPT
Apr. 26 2018 Xiaoniu Song ——– Kafka: a distributed messaging system for log processing Download kafka.pptx
Apr. 19 2018 Daniel Shao ATC'2017 PARIX: Speculative Partial Writes in Erasure-Coded Systems Download PPT: EC and PARIX
Or short video EC and PARIX
Apr. 12 2018 King Zevin SOSP'2003 The Google File System Download gfs - king.zevin.ppt
Mar. 29 2018 Youhui Bai OSDI'2004 MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters Download mapreduce.pptx
Mar. 23 2018 Cheng Li ICDE'2018 Anna: A KVS For Any Scale Download anna_discussion.pptx
Mar. 16 2018 Youxu Chen FAST'2018 High-Performance Transaction Processing in Journaling File Systems Download paper-reading-journaling_fs.pptx
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  • 李嘉豪