==== Spring 2018 ==== ^ Date ^ Discussion leads ^ Venue ^ Paper | | | | | July 26 2018 | Yiduo Wang | FAST'2018 | **Barrier-Enabled IO Stack for Flash Storage** | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/fast18/fast18-won.pdf| paper]] | [[https://www.usenix.org/sites/default/files/conference/protected-files/fast18_slides_won.pdf|slides]] | | | July 12 2018 | Rui Wang | FAST'2017 | **Graphene: Fine-Grained IO Management for Graph Computing** | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/fast17/fast17-liu.pdf| paper]] | [[https://www.usenix.org/sites/default/files/conference/protected-files/fast17_slides_liu.pdf|slides]] | | | June 28 2018 | Chengjin Tian | SIGMOD'2018 | **SuRF: Practical Range Query Filtering with Fast Succinct Tries** | [[https://dl.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=3196931&ftid=1976618&dwn=1&CFID=46256236&CFTOKEN=2de55b837462905a-7347DE9C-ABDB-3C6B-7ACD90386F57908D|paper]] | {{:public:rg:surf-rg.pdf}} | | | June 21 2018 | Jiqiang Chen | Eurosys2018 | **Analytics with Smart Arrays: Adaptive and Efficient Language-Independent Data** | [[https://timharris.uk/papers/2018-eurosys.pdf| paper]] | {{ :public:rg:smart_arrays.pptx }} | | | June 14 2018 | Jingbo Su | OSDI'2016 | **EC-Cache: Load-Balanced, Low-Latency Cluster Caching with Online Erasure Coding** | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/osdi16/osdi16-rashmi.pdf| paper]] | [[https://www.usenix.org/sites/default/files/conference/protected-files/osdi16_slides_vinayak_0.pdf|slides]] | | | June 7 2018 | Jiawei Wang | SIGMOD'2018 | **The Case for Learned Index Structures** | [[https://dl.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=3196909&ftid=1976605&dwn=1&CFID=40596983&CFTOKEN=9d082143a3bdf3e0-A2E58341-D92C-4DF2-0168C8A7E70438B9| paper]] | [[http://home.ustc.edu.cn/~cowboy/LIS.pdf|slides]] | | | May 31 2018 | Fan Guo | FAST'2018 | **UKSM: Swift Memory Deduplication via Hierarchical and Adaptive Memory Region Distilling** | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/fast18/fast18-xia.pdf| paper ]] | [[https://www.usenix.org/sites/default/files/conference/protected-files/fast18_slides_xia.pdf|slides]] | | | May 24 2018 | Hao Chen | FAST'2017 | **LightNVM: The Linux Open-Channel SSD Subsystem** | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/fast17/fast17-bjorling.pdf| paper ]] | [[https://www.usenix.org/sites/default/files/conference/protected-files/fast17_slides_bjorling.pdf|slides]] | | | May. 17 2018 | Chaoyi Ruan | EuroSys'2018 | **Decoupling the Control Plane from Program Control Flow for Flexibility and Performance in Cloud Computing** | [[https://dl.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=3190516&ftid=1957697&dwn=1&CFID=31351522&CFTOKEN=d6ef05b8c64be2f7-98ADDE42-96EB-1696-4FA1EC85B6071559|Download]] | {{:public:rg:20180517thursday.pptx| Slide}} | | | May. 10 2018 | Zhiqiang He | EuroSys'2018 | **Reducing DRAM footprint with NVM in facebook** | [[https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3190524|Download]] | {{ :public:rg:eurosys18-fb-nvm.pdf }} | | | May. 03 2018 | Junming Liu | OSDI'2002 | **Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server** | [[http://www.waldspurger.org/carl/papers/esx-mem-osdi02.pdf|Download]] | {{ :public:rg:esx-mem.pptx }}[[http://www.waldspurger.org/carl/papers/esx-osdi02-slides.pdf|原版PPT]] | | | Apr. 26 2018 | Xiaoniu Song | -------- | **Kafka: a distributed messaging system for log processing** | [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Kafka.pdf|Download]] | {{ :public:rg:kafka.pptx }} | | | Apr. 19 2018 | Daniel Shao | ATC'2017 | **PARIX: Speculative Partial Writes in Erasure-Coded Systems** | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/atc17/atc17-li_huiba.pdf|Download]] | PPT: {{ :public:rg:20180419_daniel_ec_and_parix.pptx | EC and PARIX}}\\ Or short video {{ :public:rg:20180419_daniel_ec_and_parix.mp4?linkonly | EC and PARIX}} | | | Apr. 12 2018 | King Zevin | SOSP'2003 | **The Google File System** | [[https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/zh-CN//archive/gfs-sosp2003.pdf|Download]] | [[https://github.com/kingzevin/notes/raw/master/distributed%20system/gfs%20-%20king.zevin.ppt|gfs - king.zevin.ppt]] | | | Mar. 29 2018 | Youhui Bai | OSDI'2004 | **MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters** | [[https://www.usenix.org/legacy/events/osdi04/tech/full_papers/dean/dean.pdf|Download]] | {{ :public:rg:mapreduce.pptx }} | | | Mar. 23 2018 | Cheng Li | ICDE'2018 | **Anna: A KVS For Any Scale** | [[http://db.cs.berkeley.edu/jmh/papers/anna_ieee18.pdf|Download]] | {{ :public:rg:anna_discussion.pptx }} | | | Mar. 16 2018 | Youxu Chen | FAST'2018 | **High-Performance Transaction Processing in Journaling File Systems** | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/fast18/fast18-son.pdf|Download]] | {{ :public:rg:paper-reading-journaling_fs.pptx }} | |