===== Spring 2020 ===== Assistant : Jiahao Li ^ Date ^ Discussion Leads ^ Venue ^ Paper Name ^ Paper Link ^ Talk Slides ^ Video ^ | Jun.26.2020 | Long Deng, Siqi Lei | NSDI'20 | TCP ≈ RDMA: CPU-efficient Remote Storage Access with i10 | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/nsdi20-paper-hwang.pdf|paper]] | | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Jun.19.2020 | Haiquan Wang, TBD | MLSYS'20 | PLINK: DISCOVERING AND EXPLOITING DATACENTER NETWORK LOCALITY FOR EFFICIENT CLOUD-BASED DISTRIBUTED TRAINING | [[https://proceedings.mlsys.org/static/paper_files/mlsys/2020/33-Paper.pdf|paper]] | | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Jun.12.2020 | Qianli Wang, Zevin King | NSDI'20 | Building An Elastic Query Engine on Disaggregated Storage | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/nsdi20-paper-vuppalapati.pdf|paper]] | {{:public:rg:rg.pptx|slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Jun.5.2020 | Hao Chen, Chaoyi Ruan | FAST'20 | FPGA-Accelerated Compactions for LSM-based Key-Value Store | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/fast20-zhang_teng.pdf|paper]] | | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | May.29.2020 | Guanbin Xu, Zhiqi Lin | EuroSys'19 | Supporting Very Large Models using Automatic Dataflow Graph Partitioning | [[https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3302424.3303953|paper]] | | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | May.22.2020 | Wei Wang, Zhenyu Yang | INFOCOM'20 | On the Optimal Repair-Scaling Trade-off in Locally Repairable Codes | [[https://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~pclee/www/pubs/infocom20lrc.pdf|paper]] | | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | May.15.2020 | Jiaan Zhu, Chao Bi | FAST'20 | CRaft: An Erasure-coding-supported Version of Raft for Reducing Storage Cost and Network Cost | [[https://www.usenix.org/conference/fast20/presentation/wang-zizhong|paper]] | {{:public:rg:5-15rg_v3.pptx|slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | May.8.2020 | Yiduo Wang, Daniel Shao | FAST'20 | How to Copy Files | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/fast20-zhan.pdf|paper]] | {{ :public:rg:how_to_copy_files_slides.pdf | slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | May.1.2020 | | | Skip due to holidays | | | | | Apr.24.2020 | Zhexin Jin, Yuming Xu | FAST'20 | Read as Needed: Building WiSER, a Flash-Optimized Search Engine | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/fast20-he.pdf|paper]] | {{ :public:rg:wiser-reading-group-jzx-xym.pdf | slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Apr.17.2020 | Quan Zhou, Youhui Bai | SOSP'19 | PipeDream: generalized pipeline parallelism for DNN training | {{public:rg:2019_sosp_pipedream_generalized_pipeline_parallelism_for_dnn_training.pdf|paper}} | {{ :public:rg:pipedream_reading_group-youhui-quan.pptx | slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Apr.10.2020 | Yuxin Ma, Ping Gong | VLDB'19 | CROSSBOW: Scaling Deep Learning with Small Batch Sizes on Multi-GPU Servers | [[http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol12/p1399-koliousis.pdf|paper]] | {{ :public:rg:crossbow.pptx | slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Apr.3.2020 | Kai Ma, Jingze Huo | VLDB'20 | Amber: A Debuggable Dataflow System Based on the Actor Model | [[http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol13/p740-kumar.pdf|paper]] | {{ :public:rg:amber_a_debuggable_dataflow_system_based_on_the_actor_model.pdf | slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Mar.27.2020 | | | Skip due to no signups | | | | | Mar.20.2020 | Zevin King, Dongbo Yu | FAST'20 | InfiniCache: Exploiting Ephemeral Serverless Functions to Build a Cost-Effective Memory Cache | [[https://www.usenix.org/conference/fast20/presentation/wang-ao|paper]] | {{:public:rg:3.20rg-zevin.pptx| slides_1}}{{:public:rg:3.20rg_dongbo.pptx| slides_2}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Mar.13.2020 | Chengru Yang, Xiaoyang Wang | FAST'20 | Strong and Efficient Consistency with Consistency-Aware Durability | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/fast20-ganesan.pdf|paper]] | {{:public:rg:strong_and_efficient_consistency_with_consistency-aware_durability_.pptx | slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Mar.6.2020 | Jingbo Su, Luofan Chen | FAST'20 | An Empirical Guide to the Behavior and Use of Scalable Persistent Memory | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/fast20-yang.pdf|paper]] | {{:public:rg:guideline_version_final.pptx | slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] | | Feb.28.2020 | Xiaoyan Yu, Jiahao Li | ATC'19 | Pre-Select Static Caching and Neighborhood Ordering for BFS-like Algorithms on Disk-based Graph Engines | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/atc19-lee-eunjae.pdf|paper]] | {{ :public:rg:atc19-bfs.pptx | slides}} | [[https://rec.ustc.edu.cn/share/652acda0-b427-11ea-a88c-c564f069302e|video]] |